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Sunday 20 April
9:00 pm
Chiesa Santa Marta
Easter concert - “A la carte” musical menu
Choice of antipasti, primi, secondi e dolci by the great masters of the Renaissance and Baroque periods.
Eva Kiss, voice Anastase Démétriadès, recorder Luca Taccardi, viola da gamba and cello Georges Kiss, harpsichord and organ
Summer Festival
The Festival concerts are held from late July to early September. These events offer the opportunity to hear historically informed performances of early music on either original instruments or copies.
Two intensive music courses are organised each year: the Easter weekend course and the summer course. On these occasions, students can receive specialist instruction in each instrument.
Created by Bernard Brauchli in 1986 with the collaboration of passionate friends, Musica Antica a Magnano has gradually extended its activities to concerts, music courses and symposium.
Magnano is close to two urban centres, Biella and Ivrea. Its location, in the hills of the Serra allows one to enjoy the tranquillity and natural beauty of the site.