
The story of a passion that transformed Magnano into the capital of early music.

The origins (1982-1986)

On Thursday August 26, 1982, Bernard Brauchli gave his first recital in Magnano, his mother's home village, on the magnificent Bruna organ in the Chiesa Parrocchiale. In 1985, when he hand-wrote the poster announcing his clavichord concert in the Chiesa Romanica di San Secondo, he was hoping for 30-40 people. In fact, almost 300 people discovered the intimate and magnificent sound of the clavichord.

Evolution (1986-2023)

From a simple recital to an international festival, the history of the ‘Festival Musica Antica a Magnano’ is a wonderful musical adventure that has been enriched year after year. Each new decade has brought its share of innovations and landmark events, gradually weaving together a cultural network that today radiates around the world. Discover the key moments that have shaped us:
The first Festival was a great success and will be repeated in subsequent years.
Organization of the first summer course with Eva and Georges Kiss already.
Creation of the International Clavichord Symposium with Christopher Hogwood.
Start of Easter courses and concert.
First New Year's concert “2000 years of music”.
Bernard Brauchli receives honorary citizenship of Magnano
Expansion of courses with the addition of violin after flute, cello and viola da gamba, enriching chamber music possibilities.
Anastase Démétriadès appointed artistic director of the festival
Our activities expands to Donato, extending its regional reach
To pay tribute to Bernard Brauchli following his death, the commune installs a commemorative plaque. His daughter Thérèse Cuttelod has taken over the reins of the Association.

Today and Tomorrow

Today, the Festival Musica Antica a Magnano radiates far beyond Italy's borders. Internationally acclaimed, it has welcomed the greatest names in Baroque music: Hogwood, Leonhardt, Tagliavini, Savall, and continues to attract exceptional talents such as the European Union Baroque Orchestra.

We are also proud to see former students such as Silva, Eleonora and Davide return as established artists. The festival is no longer just a summer event: it lives on throughout the year, with Easter concerts, summer courses and the New Year's concert.
Under the artistic direction of Anastase Démétriadès since 2019, and with the support of Bernard Brauchli's family and the Executive Board chaired by his daughter Thérèse Cullelod, the festival is pursuing its mission of bringing early music to life in exceptional venues. The magnificent collection of historic instruments, as well as the forthcoming development of a library and a digital archive, bear witness to this constant desire to innovate while respecting tradition.

As it turns 40, the festival remains as faithful as ever to the spirit of its founder: to share the passion for early music with as many people as possible.
“Magnano confirms its position as capital of early music with the 36th international festival”.
La Stampa
July 30, 2021
Page de couverture
The front page of our book will be unveiled shortly.

« 40 anni di passione »

A book that tells the story of this magnificent musical adventure, imagined and created in 1986 by Bernard Brauchli. Around 120 pages of memories and color images.

Publication date: July 2025
Language: Italian
Special pre-order price :

€ 20

(instead of €25)
Order the book

Excerpts from the book

  • Quella del “Festival Musica Antica a Magnano” è una storia in cui la musica, principale protagonista, s’intreccia con le persone e con i luoghi. A raccontare i primi quarant’anni di questo evento sono quindi i suoi stessi protagonisti che, attraverso ricordi, impressioni ed emozioni, presentano i loro strumenti e spiegano il particolare rapporto che li lega a Magnano e ad alcuni edifici simbolo.
  • “Il festival è nato una domenica pomeriggio davanti a una crostata di prugne preparata da Susan”. A ricordare divertita il curioso episodio è Anna Maria Manna che, con il marito Gianni Bena, ha fatto parte del gruppo di amici che ha affiancato Bernard Brauchli e Susan Orlando nei primi anni del festival.
  • L’esperienza del festival per Luca Taccardi è fatta di musica, naturalmente, ma anche dell’immersione nella natura, che definisce “silenziosa e quasi primordiale” e poi delle tante amicizie che ogni anno nascono o si consolidano.
  • Per chi vive a Magnano, come Pier Luigi Piazza, che ne è stato anche sindaco, i dieci giorni del Festival rappresentano un evento prezioso e importante: il paese diventa internazionale, pieno di musica e di persone che parlano tutte le lingue del mondo.
  • “Da subito si è creato un legame particolare tra gli abitati e questo evento. Il festival è parte della comunità, grazie ai corsisti che si muovono per le strade del paese con i loro strumenti e alla musica che risuona ovunque”.

Students memories

This anniversary is also the anniversary of our former students, without whom Musica Antica Magnano would not have been able to shine so brightly.
Alumni contributions will soon be published here.
How to participate:
  1. Select your most beautiful memory photo (JPEG or PNG format, in original quality)
  2. Include a descriptive text of maximum 500 characters
  3. Send everything to memories@musicaanticamagnano.com
  4. Don't forget to indicate your full name and the year you participated in the courses
  5. Deadline: February 28, 2025
The 5 most memorable contributions will receive the anniversary book for free. By participating, you agree to the publication of your photo and text on the festival's website and its social media platforms.
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