Anastase Démétriadès


Italian and German repertoire of the XVIIth and XVIIIth centuries
Frescobaldi, Merula, Cima, Veracini, Vivaldi, Corelli, Sammartini, Bach, Haendel, Telemann etc.; personal repertoire.
Anastase Démétriadès studied in Athens and at the Conservatoire Supérieur de Musique in Geneva. After teaching for the Société de Musique Ancienne which he founded in Geneva and Nyon with Georges Kiss, he taught since 1994 at the Conservatoire de l’Ouest Vaudois (Switzerland), of which he has been the director from 2003 to 2016.
He has an important career in Europe as performer with chamber music ensembles and, as well, as soloist with various orchestras. He has recorded for various radio and television networks, as well as records, notably “Handel in London in 1725” with a version “all’italiana” of four sonatas written in that year and "Mosaïque". He is regularly invited as member of various juries of exams and competitions. At this time, he dedicates himself totally to his teaching and concertist. In 2015 he was honoured with the "Prix du mérite Artistique de la Ville de Nyon" in Switzerland. Since 2019 he is the Director of the Festival Musica Antica a Magnano.
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